Railway Talent Hub: Information about collaboration

We would like to offer your company the opportunity to publicise events and publish editorial articles on our platform. Visit railway-talent-hub.ch/employers for information about the benefits the platform offers companies in the railway industry.

Allow us to explain what a collaboration would involve.

Events: visits, presentations, railway experiences

Your company takes care of the conceptual planning, organisation, implementation and follow-up for your event. Your event specialists know how to present your company in the best possible light here. We'll offer you some general tips on planning and staging based on our experience.

1. Inquiry and discussion

You can contact us via our contact form or by email at info@railway-talent-hub.ch. You may already have the following ideas in mind:

  • Do you have specific ideas about the format of an event?

  • What are you aiming for?

  • What content and messages would you like to convey to students on technical degree courses?

  • Would you like to organise an event on behalf of your company or in collaboration with other companies? The Association prefers to support projects organised by several collaborating companies.

  • Where and approximately when should the event take place?

2. Event planning

We’d like to offer the following event planning tips:

  • At an early stage, seek out suitable speakers and experts to act as ambassadors for your company.

  • Involve former students and young engineers who are enthusiastic about the railway system and railway technology.

  • Vary the format of your event: provide concrete examples to supplement your presentations, build an interactive dialogue with the participants, set the students a challenging task or arrange some stimulating visits.

  • Be as specific as possible about the activities, projects and development opportunities available to engineers working for the railway.

  • Think also about catering – if you wish to provide it.

  • It's certainly a good idea to record the event, as professional photos or video recordings will help you promote future events.

3. Publishing an event page

Please provide us with the following information in German, French and English for publication on your event page:

  • Title, subtitle

  • Description of the event: what are the main topics?

  • High-resolution title picture

  • Date, location, language, registration period

  • Description of the target audience – e.g. the study courses being targeted

  • Registration form input fields We recommend at least first name, surname, email (private), degree course, university

  • Description of the programme with timetable – if already known.

  • Any links or documents with further information

  • Additional high-resolution images and/or video material

  • Company logo

  • Details of your design preferences for the event page

  • List of the names of speakers, including their LinkedIn profiles and, optionally, head shot photos.

  • Contact information for potential participants as well as those who have registered.

We’ll design an event page for you based on the information you provide. We'll then send you a link so that you can preview the article and approve its publication.

4. Registration

Marketing of the event kicks off with publication on the platform. We rely on your active co-operation to promote the event. Which degree programmes and which universities would you like to target? We’ll work together to reach the desired number of participants via the most suitable channels. Talk to us about this.

Participants register directly via the platform. When they register, students receive an automatic email confirmation that their registration has been received. This does not mean, however, that their participation is confirmed. We can inform you at any time of the number of registrations received and of the contact details of the persons who have completed registration forms.

You communicate directly with the registered students. Be sure to send out confirmations of participation in good time – perhaps staggering the confirmation emails. Make your selection and, if the number of registrations exceeds the available places, send cancellations.

5. Staging

We hope you enjoy your event. Talk to the participants to discover how well the event has been received by the students. We recommend employing a professional to take photos and/or videos during the event.

6. Follow-up

After the event, it is important to undertake a debriefing to evaluate how successful the event has been. Discuss with your team what went well and where you think there might be room for improvement. If you wish, please leave us feedback on your collaboration with the Railway Talent Hub platform.

After each event, we’ll carry out a standardised survey on your behalf to assess the quality of the event. This will help you to continuously improve and adapt to meet the needs of the target group. We will, of course, make the findings of our survey available to you.

If you’ve recorded your event, you’re welcome to share your pictures/videos with us so that we can then report on your event via our channels.

Data protection: Important information on the handling of personal data

When they register, students agree to the relevant conditions for participation in eventshttps://railway-talent-hub.ch/general-terms-and-conditions

As a partner company of the Railway Talent Hub, and thus a member of the Association of Public Transport or of Swissrail, you have a responsibility to protect personal data (see section 14).

More specifically, you may only use the personal data supplied to you for the purpose of exploring possible career opportunities (e.g. job offers, further events, theses, etc.). You must also refrain from sharing this data with third parties.

For further information on data protection and the features implemented on this website, please refer to our Privacy Policy: https://railway-talent-hub.ch/privacy-policy

News articles: Insights and career opportunities

Use the Railway Talent Hub to publish news articles. Increase your reach to students by reporting on events, new job opportunities, insights into aspects of the railway industry, technical innovations and other exciting railway technology topics.

1. Inquiry and discussion

Do you already have definite ideas about what you’d like to contribute to railway-talent-hub.ch/news? Then get in touch with us via the contact form or by email info@railway-talent-hub.ch.

Perhaps you don't have a specific suggestion for a news article but would nevertheless like to be involved. You should still get in touch with us. Before you do, consider what resources you have available for one or more news articles and what content and messages you would like to pass on to technical degree students. We’ll then work with you to finalise your ideas.

2. Publication

Provide us with the following information in German, French and English for the publication of your news article:

  • Title, subtitle

  • Text (DE, FR, EN)

  • High-resolution title picture

  • Additional high-resolution images and/or video material

  • Any links or documents with further information

  • Company logo

  • Contact information for interested readers

We’ll work with the information you provide and assume responsibility for creating the news article for our website and Instagram and LinkedIn channels. We'll then send you a link so that you can preview the article and approve its publication.

3. Collaborating with the editorial team

To keep students' attention, we need to publish news articles regularly. This is the only way to encourage students to find out about past events, career opportunities and developments in the railway industry. This is why we organise an editorial meeting with representatives of our partner companies approximately four times a year. The purpose of the meetings is to collect ideas and implement them together with the network.

Would you like to help our editorial team gather ideas and create content? If so, contact us via the contact form or send an email to: info@railway-talent-hub.ch.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can we publicise events and news?

If you'd like to organise events or publish articles, please contact us via the contact form on our website or by email at info@railway-talent-hub.ch.

2. What information do you need to publish an event?

To publish an event, we need information such as the title, description, date and location of the event, the target group, and contact details for potential participants. You'll find all the information listed in section 3 "Publishing an event page".

3. What is the registration procedure for events?

Students can register for events directly via the platform. After registering, we'll automatically send them a confirmation by email. The final confirmation of attendance is sent out by the partner company organising the event.

4. How can my company support the Railway Talent Hub editorial team?

If your company is interested in supporting the Railway Talent Hub's editorial team, please get in touch. We hold regular editorial meetings to gather ideas and create content, and would welcome your involvement.

We're always happy to answer questions and provide assistance. Simply contact us using the contact form on our website, or send an email to info@railway-talent-hub.ch.