The Association of Public Transport (VoeV) and the Association of the Swiss Rail and Mobility Industry (Swissrail) are the sponsors of the Railway Talent Hub. The initiative is being implemented as part of a Railway Technology Education project. Together with their members, the associations are committed to a strong future in railway technology.
Railway Talent Hub: align your company with the technical professionals of the future
The Railway Talent Hub brings your company together with the next generation of engineers. The website allows events to be publicised and editorial articles to be published for the target group.
The hub contains information on the benefits of starting a career in the rail industry and encourages discussion between students and experienced professionals. Students on technical degree programmes have the opportunity to experience varied and future-oriented activities in railway technology live and direct.
Who is behind this?
How can my company get involved?
On this page you will find the opportunities for your company to be present on the Railway Talent Hub in the form of events or news articles. You can contact us at any time at You can find more information on specific collaborations here:
Options for your company
Event (individual)
Your company independently creates an event format for students. The event is promoted and registrations accepted via the platform.
Event cooperation (recommended)
Your company holds an event with other member companies of the APT or Swissrail. The APT and Swissrail provide support with networking and bringing interested parties together. The event is promoted and registrations accepted via the platform.
Event placement
Your company creates an event format independently. The event is promoted and registrations accepted via your own company website. The platform simply links to your specified page.
News article
Your company provides editorial contributions and achieves greater reach with the additional channel. For example, articles might report on previous events, introduce people in the railway industry, focus on a technical innovation or cover other exciting topics in railway technology.
Benefits for your company
Access to potential junior staff members
Attractive online presence aimed at a young target group
Support from associations in publicising events to students
Increased employer attractiveness / visibility for companies
Networking with industry partners to share experience and best practices
Available in future: additional visibility for job adverts, internships or topics for project work and theses
Contribution from your company
Planning and implementation of smaller or larger services organised individually or in partnership
Providing students with an understanding of the system and rail-related experience
Your company employees as speakers or ambassadors for the industry
Providing editorial contributions
Available in future: publishing job adverts, internships or topics for project work and theses