Terms and conditions of participation for Railway Talent Hub competitions organised by the Swiss Association of Public Transport (APT)

Valid as at 9 August 2024

1. Scope

These terms and conditions of participation apply to competitions with prize draws organised on the Railway Talent Hub platform (https://railway-talent-hub.ch/en). They will apply unless other regulations exist for a particular prize draw or unless different general terms and conditions apply.

2. Organisation

Prize draws on the Railway Talent Hub platform are the responsibility of the Swiss Association of Public Transport (APT), Dählhölzliweg 12, CH-3005 Bern, info@voev.ch. The APT may call on other persons to organise a prize draw, in particular Railway Talent Hub project staff who are not directly employed by the APT. The description of the prize draw, the available prizes, the entry form and the start and end dates of each prize draw are published on https://railway-talent-hub.ch/en.

The prize draw can be entered via the online form, subject to verification of the relevant e-mail address.

The winners will be drawn in camera at random by the APT within one month of the closing date and will be notified by e-mail. There is no right of appeal, and no cash alternative or replacement prize will be offered. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the prize draw. The prizes will be sent by post or e-mail once an address has been provided. The APT is entitled to pass on prizes to another person drawn at random if a winner cannot be contacted within a reasonable period of time .

The APT reserves the right to cancel and terminate the prize draw at any time without prior notice and without stating reasons.

3. Eligibility to participate

Students at Swiss universities who are currently enrolled in a technical or scientific degree programme in electrical engineering, computer science, business informatics, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, spatial engineering, energy and environmental engineering, material sciences, geomatics, industrial engineering, mechatronics, automation, robotics, photonics, automotive engineering, transport systems and mobility, systems engineering, mathematics, physics or similar are eligible to participate.

Only students over the age of 18 who are resident in Switzerland are eligible to participate.

Persons otherwise eligible to participate who are employed by the APT or the association of the Swiss rail and transport industry (Swissrail) are not eligible to participate.

The APT reserves the right to request confirmation of enrolment on their degree course from the winner to verify their eligibility to participate. If this proof cannot be provided or cannot be provided within a reasonable period of time, the APT is entitled to pass on prizes to another person drawn at random .

The prize draw is free to enter. Only one entry is permitted per person.

4. Regulation of liability and exclusions

The APT accepts no liability whatsoever, in particular for delayed or failed delivery of the prizes or for damages resulting from their use. Furthermore, the APT reserves the right, without stating reasons, to exclude individual participants from the prize draw, cancel the prize draw or reclaim the prize if there are indications of fraud, abuse or untruthful information. In the event of exclusion or cancellation of the prize draw, participants or potential participants will have no claims whatsoever, in particular no claims for the surrender of the prize or compensation.

5. Data protection

With regard to data processing, the standards of due diligence set out in the provisions of the valid versions of the Federal Act of 25 September 2020 on Data Protection (Data Protection Act, DPA; SR 235.1) and the Ordinance of 31 August 2022 on Data Protection (Data Protection Ordinance, DPO; SR 235.11) shall apply. The APT undertakes to comply with the relevant provisions.

By participating in a prize draw, participants consent to the processing of their personal data by the APT, specifically their first name, surname and e-mail address, as well as details of their field of study and the university they attend, for the purposes of the prize draw – drawing, notification, sending of prizes and verification of eligibility to participate. If the prize is sent by post, the home address of the winner(s) is required too. In addition, the personal data contained in the confirmation of enrolment may be processed for the purpose of verifying the winner’s eligibility to participate.

If participants give their voluntary consent on the entry form that they would like to receive information by e-mail on the topics mentioned there, they thereby give their express consent to the processing of their personal data by the APT in order to contact them by e-mail, for example, in the context of a newsletter, within the scope of the purposes formulated below:

- Invitation to events advertised on the Railway Talent Hub website

- Transmission of information on the railway industry

- Making contact for the purpose of recruiting new talent or communicating specific job vacancies in the industry

- Invitation to participate in further prize draws

Participants can withdraw their consent to their personal data being processed by the APT at any time in writing with future effect.

By accepting the terms and conditions of participation in the competition, the participant expressly declares that they agree with these principles. Further information on the processing of personal data by the APT in the context of operating the Railway Talent Hub platform in general can be found in the privacy policy at https://railway-talent-hub.ch/en/privacy-policy.

6. Meta Platforms Inc., LinkedIn Inc., Google LLC

Prize draws may also be advertised on third-party channels such as Meta Platforms Inc. (https://about.meta.com/en/), LinkedIn Inc. (https://ch.linkedin.com/) or Google LLC (https://about.google/products/). However, the draws are organised exclusively by the APT via the Railway Talent Hub platform. In the context of the prize draws, the APT is in no way affiliated with the companies on whose channels the prize draw is publicised. Participants use the services of third-party companies at their own risk and in accordance with the applicable terms of use of the respective platform. The APT accepts no liability for damages or losses incurred by participants in the prize draw as a result of using these third-party platforms or channels.

7. Final provisions

The APT reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of participation with effect for new prize draws at any time. Changes will be communicated by being published in an appropriate form on the Railway Talent Hub website when they come into force.

If any of these terms and conditions becomes invalid or contains a loophole, this will not affect the legal validity of the remaining provisions. In place of the invalid provision, a valid provision that corresponds most closely logically and commercially to the intended meaning in the context of the terms and conditions of participation shall be deemed to have been agreed from the outset. The same applies to any loopholes.

Swiss law applies exclusively.