EventsGuided tour of the Grellingen-Duggingen dual track expansion site (05 April 24)

Guided tour of the Grellingen-Duggingen dual track expansion site (05 April 24)

Experience a track construction site up close. Learn how the Swiss railway system is being expanded to provide an attractive railway service in the future on the basis of this double-track expansion project.


The following programme is waiting for you.

13:15-13:30 Arrival of participants

The tour starts a 2-minute walk from Grellingen railway station.

13:30 Start of construction site tour

Project presentation for approx. 20 minutes, followed by changing clothes

14:00-16:30 Tour of the construction site

Personal protective equipment is available for you on site.

16:30 Casual exchange & drink

At the end, you will have the opportunity to meet the project manager and ask questions.


We look forward to your registration! The registration window for the free event is open. All students on technical degree programmes in Switzerland can register. The number of participants is limited. There will be a waiting list if the number of registrations exceeds the number of places available.

Target group

All students of technical degree programmes with an interest in railway construction are invited to register.

This event will also be attended by experienced employees from the railway industry who are undergoing advanced studies as part of the CAS Railway Construction programme at Bern University of Applied Sciences.

More about the double track extension

You can find detailed information about the project on the SBB project page (available in German and French only): Doppelspur Grellingen–Duggingen | SBB

Contact us

Do you have any questions or other requests about the Railway Summer Camp? Write to us at

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